Ardan Labs Podcast
Ardan Labs Podcast
Fleet, Open Source, and Osquery with Zach Wasserman
Join us in this episode as we delve into the world of open-source device management with Zach Wasserman. Zach is the cofounder and Tech Evangelist of Fleet, where he works to unlock the full potential of osquery for both enterprise and open-source customers. With a deep history with osquery, dating back to its inception at Facebook in 2014, Zach brings unparalleled expertise and passion. He has been a member of osquery's Technical Steering Committee since 2019 and continues to contribute to the community's growth. Tune in to learn more about his journey and challenges along the way.
00:00 Introduction
00:40 What is Zach Doing Today?
12:07 Compliance Frameworks
29:00 First Memory of a Computer
36:51 Highschool Interests
43:31 Traveling to India
54:51 Entering University
1:07:30 Tech is Versatile
1:10:50 Working at Facebook
1:19:50 Moving to Open Source
1:29:30 Starting Fleet
1:43:40 Contact Info
Connect with Zach:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/@thezachw
Github: https://github.com/zwass
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/zacharywasserman/
Mentioned in today’s episode:
Fleet Device Management: https://fleetdm.com/
Osquery: https://github.com/osquery/osquery
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