Ardan Labs Podcast
Ardan Labs Podcast
Mentorship, SRE, and Google with Tobias Weingartner
Tobias Weingartner plays a pivotal role in Google's Traffic Control Team, where he specializes in optimizing the global system load balancer (GSLB). As an integral member of this team, he collaborates closely with the development team responsible for crafting the intricate code that powers Google's internal load balancing infrastructure. Specifically, Tobias focuses his expertise on the SRE aspect, ensuring the seamless operation of Google's vast network traffic. In this episode, Tobias takes us on a journey through his time in the tech industry while sharing valuable insight and entertaining stories along the way.
00:00 Introduction
01:25 What is Toby Doing Today?
07:00 First Memories of a Computer
21:30 Direction after High School
29:10 Entering University
43:20 Breaking the Shell
48:35 Finishing the Degree / First Jobs in Tech
1:05:40 Moving to Silicon Valley
1:10:00 Working at Twitter
1:16:55 Google Entering the Radar
1:22:00 Joining DoorDash
1:28:00 Staying Relevant in Tech
1:34:15 Creating Courses
1:43:10 Contact Info
Connect with Toby:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NuttySwiss
Tobias’s Site: https://tepid.org/toby/
Mentioned in today’s episode:
Gophercon: https://www.gophercon.com/
X: https://twitter.com/NuttySwiss
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