Ardan Labs Podcast
Ardan Labs Podcast
Acting, Front End Dev, and Golang with Rita Iglesias
Rita Iglesias is a Software Engineer currently employed at a startup called Topi. Lately, Rita has been creating projects using React for the frontend and Go for the backend. She also creates some awesome content relating to the tech world! In this episode, Rita takes us on a journey through her time entering the tech industry while sharing valuable insight and entertaining stories along the way.
00:00 Introduction
01:55 What is Rita Doing Today?
09:22 First Memories of a Computer
21:10 Direction after High School
32:30 Pursuing a Degree in the Performing Arts
38:30 Employment Outside of School
44:40 Learning to Code
54:00 Applying to the First Job in Tech
1:07:15 Moving on From Front End Development
1:17:30 Goals For The Future
1:30:00 Contact Info
Connect with Rita:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rita_codes
Rita's Website: https://rita.codes/
Mentioned in today’s episode:
Topi: https://www.topi.eu/en
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