Ardan Labs Podcast
Ardan Labs Podcast
groundcover, observability, eBPF, Machine Learning, and R&D with Shahar Azulay
Shahar Azulay is the CEO and co-founder of groundcover and a multi-time R&D leader, bringing in a lot of experience in the world of machine learning having worked as a leader in companies such as Apple, DayTwo, and Cymotive Technologies. In this episode, Shahar takes us on his journey through the tech industry leading up to the creation of groundcover.
00:00 Introduction
01:37 What is Shahar Doing Today? / Tech Talk
16:30 First Memory of a Computer
20:15 Thoughts of University and the Army
35:00 Moving on from the Army
43:27 Hacking on Connected Cars
47:40 Moving to DayTwo
51:48 Entering a Management Position
57:28 Going Back to School
1:09:15 Starting groundcover
1:20:00 Using groundcover
1:27:20 Price Model of groundcover
1:34:18 Contact Info
Connect with Shahar:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/shahar__azulay
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shahar-azulay-54156bb4/
groundcover site: https://www.groundcover.com/contact
Mentioned in today’s episode:
Docker: https://www.docker.com/
groundcover: https://www.groundcover.com/
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