Ardan Labs Podcast
Ardan Labs Podcast
MongoDB, Go-Team, and Hugo with Steve Francia
Steve Francia is a highly accomplished technology executive and entrepreneur. Steve is a Managing Director at Two Sigma, serving as the Product Lead for the Investment Management Platform. Two Sigma is a technology-driven investment firm based in New York City. Steve is widely known for his involvement in MongoDB, Hugo, and the Go community. In this episode, Steve takes us through his journey in the tech industry discussing various projects and companies he participated in so far in his career.
00:00 Introduction
01:07 What is Steve Doing Today?
05:00 First Memories of a Computer
15:00 Interests Leading to College
24:00 Entering College
33:50 First Tech Jobs in/after College
58:45 Discovering MongoDB
1:17:00 Creation of Hugo
1:22:48 Working at Docker
1:28:15 Joining the Go Team
1:42:00 Expectations of the Job
1:54:20 Contact Info
Connect with Steve:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/spf13?lang=en
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stevefrancia
Mentioned in today’s episode:
Docker: https://www.docker.com/
MongoDB: https://www.mongodb.com/
Two Sigma: https://www.twosigma.com/
Hugo: https://gohugo.io/
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